Your Privacy
Your privacy is important to us and we take it very seriously.
Participation is completely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time and without giving a reason.
Every study undergoes rigorous assessments for both ethics and safety to make sure it meets the highest ethical and scientific standards.
The Gomeroi Gaaynggal Study and its researchers must keep your information confidential.
Once your samples are collected your information is de-identified and coded and you cannot be identified from your sample (your name will not appear on your sample). Only selected research personnel will have access to the codes.
Your Data
Identifiable information will be securely stored at the University of Newcastle Department of Rural Health Tamworth (in the short term) or at the Hunter Medical Research Institute in Newcastle (for long term storage). Identifiable information will only be accessed by approved research personnel in exceptional circumstances (such as, for example, if results from a test show a need to follow-up with the participant’s doctor).
All de-identified data we collect from you will be stored on a University-approved electronic database (called REDCap) and accessed only by approved Gomeroi Gaaynggal Study staff. Datasets will only be shared with researchers for use in projects that are in the area of what you have consented to and that have been approved by the Gomeroi Gaaynggal Advisory Committee. Additionally, data can only be used for research that has been approved by the appropriate Human Research Ethics Committee.